Casey and Greg: Part Two

I had a lovely day today.  Gabe and I hiked, ate doughnuts, shopped for a couch and napped.  I hadn't done any of those in a long time!  Except eat doughnuts. We have those on a regular basis. Our big adventure this week is Chic-Fil-A!  We are going to Louisville to camp out at an opening, all day long!  If we are 2 of the first 100 people in line, we each get 50 free chicken meals.  Gabe is a seasoned veteran at waiting in the chicken, this is my first experience.  I am excited!  So here's to eating more chicken and editing several photo shoots and a wedding in the next three days before I leave. Enjoy the rest of Casey and Greg!

Casey and her dad before the ceremony.  Nice shot, Gabe!

Another steal by Gabe, a kiss for Grandpa.

Many thanks to Casey and Greg's families.  It was pleasure working with you!